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Connected Learning Management

Good companies provide training.  Great ones provide sustainable and ongoing learning opportunities that result in an improved customer experience and better employee retention.  

LinkedIn Learning found that 94% of employees would stay with a company longer if their employer was invested in their career.

Turn Your Company’s Learning and Development Into a Competitive Juggernaut

C2perform LMS Supports
  • C2Perform’s LMS supports any type of training environment - eLearning, video classrooms (with our optional C2Connect module), or in-person instructor-led.  This gives you the greatest flexibility to deliver training regardless of your current (or future) work environment without having to invest in new technologies.

  • We all know about the learning curve, but there’s a forgetting curve as well.  Use the Training Reinforcement tools in C2Perform to keep training topics top of mind and to accelerate time-to-efficiency for your team.

  • With our Journeys feature, you can make sure the full onboarding experience is mapped out and new hires feel a sense of belonging from day one.  Important, because organizations with poor onboarding experiences are twice as likely to lose new employees.

  • Take advantage of off-the-shelf LMS workflows – like automatically assigning a course to an employee based on performance markers or recognizing great results in a class in our Chatter Feed – to get the most out of your learning efforts.

  • Analytics and in-platform reporting give you actionable insights to improve courses, creating coaching plans for new learners and correlate course achievements with performance outcomes.  You’ll be able to see a direct correlation between learning activities and key performance indicators.

Everything Under One Roof

Outstanding value for less than what you’d pay for a lot of single-purpose solutions.

No more spreadsheets. No need to manage employees across multiple platforms (and pay for them). Not to mention trying to pull data from all those platforms to give you a view of what’s going on. You’ve got everything you need to improve performance and engage your teams in C2Perform.


Core Features. Start with one or more fundamental pieces and see immediate efficiency and improvement.

Enhancements.. Supercharge the power of C2Perform by adding modules that engage your team and give you interactive insights that you can turn into action.

C2Perform Features

Want to see how C2Perform could work for you?

No pushy sales techniques. We promise.

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Be Better Everyday. Improve your customer experience with a connected set of quality, coaching, learning and knowledge tools.

Connect with your team. Connect with your team. Automatically recognize milestones and reward achievements, make it easier to communicate, create contests, get insights into your team’s pulse and more to engage your employees.

Efficiency and Value. Everything you need is in one platform, at a price that’s less than you’d pay for a lot of single-solution tools. (Oh, and no more spreadsheets.)