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C2Perform Index Blog for Q2

Written by Lee Waters | Aug 23, 2022 1:30:00 PM

Every Quarter, the C2Perform team gathers data about how different organizations use our comprehensive super app to drive employee engagement and performance. We then organize this information into a short and simple report that we like to call the C2Perform Index (C2PI).

The results for the Q2 2022 index have been finalized and the new report is ready for your review. Let’s take some time to review the insights from this report and what they could mean for your organization:

Employee Coaching Continues to Rise

In Q1 2022, employee coaching sessions in the C2Perform platform had the highest single increase ever (159%). In Q2 2022, this significant growth trend for employee coaching—133%. This is consistent with a widespread emphasis on employee coaching and development across industries like the contact center industry.

Effective employee coaching sessions are a valuable tool for helping employees find a purpose within the organization—which can also help drive engagement with work and affect employee performance. One-on-one sessions between managers and their direct reports can be invaluable for addressing specific performance issues, identifying potential productivity obstacles, and sharpening employee skills in a safe environment free from the potential judgment of their peers.

Learning Activity within C2Perform is Increasing

Learning management is crucial for improving employee performance. With the right know-how, employees can polish their skills, expand what kinds of activities they can perform, and even be prepared for eventual career advancement.

So, it should be little surprise that assigned and completed learning courses within the C2Perform learning management tool have increased in Q2 2022 almost 200% compared to Q1 2021.

The investments in learning content (eLearning, instructor-led, and hybrid) that we observed numerous companies making in 2021 is playing out in the form of higher levels of class assignments. Many of the courses completed specifically used materials generated within the last 12 months.

Knowledge base article creation also increased by 37% during this time—demonstrating a strong correlation between an increase in learning activities and knowledge base usage. This, in turn, showcases the need for a knowledge management solution to accompany any learning management system an organization uses.

Employee Engagement Tools See Increase in Use

Driving employee engagement is an enormous concern for any organization—particularly ones in industries with high employee turnover like call centers. Q1 2022 had seen the largest year-over-year increase in employee engagement activities since we started tracking this information, and Q2 saw continued growth (4% over the previous quarter and 21% more year-over-year).

It’s little surprise that engagement is such a focus for businesses today. High engagement rates among employees have been linked to numerous benefits, such as:

  • Increased Employee Retention. Engaged employees are less likely to voluntarily exit the workplace—helping employers reduce attrition and recruitment costs. This can be particularly valuable in high-attrition environments like customer call centers.
  • Improved Employee Productivity. Engaged employees are more likely to go the extra mile in their work—they stay on the line with customers longer, work harder to achieve results, and are more focused while at work. Gallup noted that businesses with employee engagement in the top quartile were 18% more productive than those in the bottom quartile.
  • Increased Customer Loyalty. Engaged employees are more likely to create positive customer experiences for your brand’s customer base—which can translate into increased customer loyalty and spending. 3 Pillar Global reports that customers who have consistently positive experiences with a brand are “50% more likely to take a chance on a new product and are willing to pay an average of 30% more on that product than first-timers.”

Other Observations from the Q2 2022 C2PI Report

In any organization—especially contact centers—communication is key. So, it may not be shocking to see that the use of messaging tools in C2Perform increased by four times year-over-year.

This reflects a strong emphasis on the need for communication between team members and even team leaders to help create a closed feedback loop that can be used for dynamic coaching efforts.

Another trend showcased in the Q2 2022 is a slight increase (3%) in quality assurance activities compared to the previous quarter. This is the sixth straight quarter in which QA activities have increased—demonstrating consistent interest in quality assurance across all C2Perform platform users.

Read the full index for yourself one the C2PI page, or reach out to us for more information!